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« Sports Photography: Amateur sports, a photo opportunity | Main | Evolution of a Photograph »

May 29, 2009


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What a riot of colors! Thanks for sharing.

Wow, you really captured the colors! That is such an amazing picture. I was at a geyser once in Bolivia, they weren't as colorful as this one.
Photo Frida - Guatemala Zoo will suprise you!

Don't forget to join us for an International Happy Hour!

What a lovely colorful picture! It looks so surreal that I wouldn't think it's by nature. Great photo.


Thanks evryone. Each of the springs in the area was different. The colors were amazing and according to the NPS web site they change from time to time during the day

This is spectacular. I was really excited to see this because I'm planning a trip there in the next few weeks!

The springs were my favorites when we visited Yellowstone. I'm thinking Photowanderer got far better shots than I did that day :)

You'll have a great time. lots to see and photograph

I don't know. Some of your shots of Buffalo while standing up thru my moon roof are pretty good!

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