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« Photo Friday: Yellowstone Hot Springs | Main | Views of an Ohio Waterfall »

June 01, 2009


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I like the B&W version best, but you know I always like shooting B&W when we did film.

I agree with getting rid of the grass in the foreground, although I might try leaving more of the sky in when cropping--big skies always make me think of the expansiveness of out West.

It's amazing how a few changes can really transform a picture. I don't have the same level of equipment or software you have, but I use what I have to try and compose the best picture possible.

Thanks for sharing your Lightroom process, Tim.

Faced with so many choices, it's sometimes difficult (for me, anyhow) to remember how I arrived at the final version of an image.

Thanks for the comments.

Don't need fancy equip or software even the cheap stuff can help.

It's difficult for me as well. Most of it is trial and error and I seldom remember how I got there. I guess it is the final result that counts. i need to take notes on what I do so I can recreate it later :)

Thanks everyone

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