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« Photographing Point Betsie Lighthouse | Main | Views of the Horace Dodge Fountain: Hart Plaza, Downtown Detroit »

June 19, 2009


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Oooh! Count me in!
I'm planning a trip to Northern Spain next summer (I know, 2010 - I plan ahead!). Putting this on the list of places to visit now.

Thanks for sharing and these are great photos.

how cool is that? i've not seen that building before!

This was such a cool building, and I loved that we made the stop there specifically to see the architecture.
Great work, Tim!

Super cool, to make wine look delcious even inside the barrels, now thats talent!

My time in Spain has been spent mainly in the Costa Del Sol with a bit of Barcelona thrown in. So, I haven't been to northern Spain but that building is amazing!

Thanks for all the comments.

Yup. Worth the stop

You will really love Northern Spain. The Basque are very friendly and I found the food better than Paris, true. They do consider themselves Basque rather than Spanish however.

Jessie & Cate
I'm not a wine drinker but I thought repeating shapes and symmetry was quite cool. Also the way the architect made the roof line mimic the mountains is cool. The Pyrenees are beautiful.

Thanks Becks
Sound like an excuse to visit the Basque country when you go back to visit.

Wow, what a great building and landscape. You got some awesome shots. Now if I could just get a glass of wine and tapas, I'd be even better.

That's one cool building! I love that it has blended in with nature at the same time has the twist of modern design.

Thanks Carolina and Amy

It is so different than all the buildings we saw while we werer in Spain. 300 to 500 yeqrs old was common. Many of the houses in the villages were from the 17th century. Then this, as I've always said -- Different is good.

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