Monday I listed the Detroit area blogs that I
especially like. Today I will present
blogs related to history and historical research.
If you have looked at my bio you know that I am
returning to Wayne State University this fall to complete an MA in
history. It follows, of course, that I
would read a number of history blogs on a regular basis. Here are a few I enjoy
Read about the AHA at AHA Today
Seeking Michigan Look is a place to go to learn about the Michigan’s past. Sponsored by the Library of Michigan and the Archives of Michigan, Michigan Look has general interest articles about our state’s past and present. This site is well worth some exploration by anyone with even a passing interest in Michigan History. The articles are aimed at the general public but the blog does not “talk down” to its audience.
Seek Michigan at Seeking Michigan -- Look
Dr. Suzanne Fischer writes the Public Historian, a blog that brings us the latest information about museums, public history and the dissemination of historical information. Most of us think of historians as teachers and professors. Museums are changing and Dr. Fischer keeps us up to date with the latest advances in presentation technology. If you love museums this blog is well worth a look.
Explore what’s up with museums at Public Historian
Sandusky History is presented by the Sandusky Library Archives Research Center. This is what a local history blog should be. Interesting stories about events and people Sandusky, Ohio’s past are presented in a readable and entertaining way. If you are interested in Northern Ohio or just want to see what is possible in a local history blog, this is the place to go.
I hope you’ll enjoy the blogs I’ve noted and I would love to know what blogs you especially like.
I immediately thought of you when I found that Sandusky history blog earlier this year. The library that helps put the history blog together is an interesting stop if you're in the area...a cool Carnegie Library and building.
Posted by: Dominique | July 08, 2009 at 08:30 AM
The Seeking Michigan site is very cool. I ran across it before, but didn't explore it or bookmark it. Thanks for the reminder.
Posted by: Becks Davis | July 08, 2009 at 11:18 PM
I really like the Sandusky Blog and think it could be a template for any local history blog
Yep, I can spend lots of time exploring there.
Posted by: Tim | July 09, 2009 at 11:38 AM