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« Singing the Beale Street Blues | Main | Fort Point Lighthouse at Trinity Bay Newfoundland »

August 21, 2009


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I love the detail of the water here. Some of my favorite shots I've ever taken were in Alaska--everywhere you turn, there seems to be another photo opp! So beautiful.

I would love to know the story behind this! How did it get there? Why was it left?

interesting - it is always amazing to me to find abandoned things. reminds me of WALL-E, somehow.

Nothing like a good mystery! Did you ask anyone in the town about it?

A great shot! Alaska is on my list of places to visit SOON! So much rugged beauty (and unexpected finds) :-)

The motion of the water and the total abandonment of the dead vehicle is ironic. And I, too, would love to know how it got there!

That's actually kind of creepy! It reminds me of the book In the Wild!

Thanks everyone.

Stupid me, didn't think to ask anyone about it. It is a mystery. Alaska is well worth the visit, I wish we hadn't waited as long as we did.

It was strange seeing this ambulance in the middle of nowhere. We actually saw lots of abandoned cars on the trip...and a lot of the cars that were still running in McCarthy were really old beater cars 'coz I figure they were the vehicles people would chance driving over the ice the few months they could to get them out there.
Remember that old Studabaker truck we kept seeing out there?

Too bad abandoned cars aren't like shipwrecks, where new life can grow on them. Glad you posted this, it reminds us of the footprints we leave behind.

Wonder how long that jeep may have been sitting there! Really lets the imagination run wild. I like your idea of a MASH unit coming through.

So much going on in that photo - it's really dynamic.

Certainly a photo with a story open to interpretation! I also love the other photos from the trip, the scenery look so unspoilt.

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